Coed Divisions For Myrtle Beach

Coed Open
  1. Any Male player and any female player
Coed Lower
  1. Male players MUST be rated D and below (But may have 1 Male Player that played at the C level in the current year)
  2. Female players MUST be rated C and below (But may have 2 female B Players.)
Coed Rec
  1. Male Players MUST be rated E and below.
  2. Female Players MUST be rated D and below.
Coed Playing Format for WSL Myrtle Beach
  1. All Coed games in Myrtle Beach is a 6/4 or 7/5 Format

Coed Rules

BATTING LINEUPS (for 6/4 or 7/5 format)

1. M, F, M, M, F, M, F, M, F, M (10 players)

2. M, F, M, M, F, M, F, M, F, M, F, M (12 players)


Any time during the game, if a Male batter gets walked the Female has the Choice to walk or Hit. If she choices to walk, then the Male batter MUST touch first base before going to second base. If the Female batter choices to hit, then the Male only gets first base.

6/4 or 7/5 Format

A team must have 4 female players on the field at all times in order to play. A team may play 5/5 format if they choice. Once you start with a format, you must finish in that format.

Defensive Play

1. The Female players can play anywhere they want in the field.

2. You are allowed to play a 5 man infield in the event. All infielders must stay on the dirt side of the infield. (No cheating in the grass)> Teams can change their setup at any time during the inning.


1. 4’ from the ground and no higher than 10’

2. Pitchers are allowed to pump fake and have 5 seconds to deliver the ball.

Time Limit

1. POOL PLAY – 55 minutes and finish the inning if needed

2. BRACKET PLAY – 65 minutes and finish the inning if needed.

Homerun Bomber

1. You must designate your Bomber at the umpires pre game meeting before every game. If you do not declare a HR Bomber, then you do not get one for that game.

2. If your Bomber gets walked during the game, your team has one FREE Bomb to hit until that BOMBER comes back up to bat. If you don’t hit the HR before the BOMBER gets back up to bat, then you lose the FREE Homerun.

3. The Bomber is the person NOT the spot in the lineup. So if your Bombers comes out of the game for any reason, you no longer have a BOMBER in the lineup.

Bat Standards

1. All bats must pass compression of 225 or greater and be stickered for play.

2. In an event where bats are tested, If an unstickered bat is used then the Defensive must appeal the bat to be declared an OUT.

3. All Bats MUST has the 1.20 stamp or the NEW 240 Stamp.

Courtesy Runner

1. One courtesy runner per inning per gender. Can be anyone on the roster.

2. Pitcher gets the CHOICE of a runner every time, which does count again the courtesy runner per inning.


1. Males will hit an 12” WSL Worth Stamped softball. Females will hit an 11” WSL Worth Stamped softball. If the wrong ball is detected during the at bat but before the Ball has been hit in fair play, just change the ball to the correct softball.


1. NO METAL CLEATS!!! There is no Penalty, just need to change shoes.


1. MUST be 18 years of age to play WSL. MUST have Govt issued ID when asked to present it to the director.